Ifrogman ifrogman

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Political Garbage

I guess that by now, you humans are looking at climate change and global warming in a wholly different light? But soon, yes quite soon, I shall be hearing the hideous screams of many of your high pitched voices asking one very important question: Where is the rain? Croak!!! I have to be open here. As a frog, I too need water, though I can go without for far longer than you humans. Ribbit!!!

The weather men have been telling you that water levels in reservoirs, including the underground aquifers, are at an all time high after last year's fiasco. This is all very good! But, if the current period of hot dry weather continues, and without any sign of the good old wet stuff, those damned water companies are going to be screaming along with you too, only they will be ordering you not to use your hosepipes, nor to top up your ponds. Has it never occurred to them, that with the way the climate is changing, it is they who should also change along with it? Shouldn't they provide you with more water resources, and to stop blaming it on the user when things get a bit tough for them? Of course not!! They are far more concerned with giving their scumbag investors huge obscene profits, rather than to actually increase their (your) dwindling water supplies. Croak!!!

Enough about the weather and water. Bob has told me that he is expected to go and vote tomorrow, but since he has sent an email to the party he believes in, they have taken the usual stance and didn't reply to him, he wonders if he should bother voting for them. All this despite that they gave an email address with which to put questions to them (Labour). Sadly, this attitude is a common aspect of all parties, left, right and all of those in-between.

Have you ever wondered why an important issue in your area was never properly addressed, despite that so many of you saw it as being important to you and your town? Well, Bob reckons it's because lots of local councillors don't support the Labour party, therefore, it isn't in their interest to support an action. The same thing will happen no matter who is in office. As long as there is opposition, and there always will be, nothing ever gets done, and you lot, whoever you are, can all go to hell where they are concerned.

Like I once told you, whether you are a politician in government, or on the local council, only one thing, or rather two things are of importance to you. Firstly, the whacking great amounts of money you'll be paid for being in office, along with that big shiny desk. Secondly, the tremendous amount of power the job gives to you. Power and money mixed together equals: Greed and Selfishness!!! Croak!!! It appears that some of you will do almost anything to get one of these jobs, just so long as it doesn't involve doing something useful or constructive for your electorate. Perhaps the rest of you don't believe me? Well, when was the last time you saw any of these greedy gits do something for you? And, I don't count opening your local fete, supermarket, new school or hospital. These things would most likely have taken place regardless. I mean DO something? Croak!!!

What I've just told you, is the reason why there is so much crime on your streets. It's why pensioners get such a raw deal when it comes to the money they have to live on. Oh yes, I can hear some of you saying that they should have saved for their pensions. Well, you smart arse, most of them did! It's just that some robbing ball of slime decided to make it away with their pension fund. How caring is that?

You know what? Before I began to speak to Bob, I didn't realise just how greedy and selfish the human race was. I still haven't been able to understand your obsession with buying as many houses as you can manage. Why? Why do you want to pay two-hundred and fifty-thousand pounds for a paltry pile of bricks and mortar that will most likely soon spiral down to its true value, fifty grand! Ribbit!!! I'll tell you this now, the price of your houses CAN go down as well as up. This means that countless thousands of you, I'm sorry to have to say, are going to end up with NEGATIVE equity, and it's all your damned greedy fault! Ribbit!!!

Well, life as a frog is sounding a whole lot better than I first thought, so, I'm going to go now. Stay happy and I'll see you all in the garden again real soon. Ribbit!!!



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