Ifrogman ifrogman

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ripped off! Who cares?

Isn't the warmer weather just wonderful? Lots of flowers are coming into bloom. The birds are singing to their heart's content. Bees, butterflies and a host of other insects are on the wing. Life for me, as a frog, is beginning to look great!! Well let's face it, winters do tend to deplete the larder, you know. Ribbit!!!

Fortunately, and as luck would have it, I haven't been put to task by those mangy furballs that live around these parts. I seem to be going through a fairly quiet period lately. One thing that I'm truly grateful for, it's that these furballs don't like to get themselves wet, so they try their best to stay away from my pond. Let's face it, life for frog's spawn is harsh enough as it is, without these furballs adding their misery. You know, it's a good job that the pond where I live is a big one, otherwise I'd run short of space for my off-spring, and this simply wouldn't do.

Ladies!! I'll come back to you once I've finished talking to these nice humans out here...

Bob, the man whose wonderful garden I live in, was telling me earlier today that once again, your mister Blair has been telling you all about his new measures to fight crime. I ask you, how does anyone try to battle against something they know absolutely nothing about!? Croak!!! As far as MPs are concerned, they couldn't find an answer to curb crime if it up and bit them in the arse! According to Bob, they can't even come to an agreement on just how much crime is actually going on throughout Britain today.

Did you know that the police will not bother themselves with internet crimes of theft (fraud), if the crime in question is valued at less than one thousand pounds??!! Yes, and this is straight from the horses mouth. Well, it may not have actually been a horse, but it certainly acts like one! Although this threshold is not official, the police are more than likely to take the value of the fraud into account before they decide whether, or not, to proceed with any enquiries on your behalf.

Now then, let me see if I have it right. If I understand this correctly, unless you are wealthy and have had your precious antiques, or whatever stolen, (I wonder if they are bothered with car theft? cars are sold on the internet.) then they just don't give a rat's arse!! You may have already gathered from this little bit of information, that the police have just unofficially given the go ahead for any fraud perpetrated with a value less than one thousand pounds. Sounds like it's damned good news for the country's thieves, and hard luck for the victims, doesn't it? Well, I think that this is just another thing to show you humans, those that are bothered that is, that your government could really care less about you. Of course, the police blame this situation on the government for lack of funding. Don't they always? Croak!!!

You humans have a government that professes to understand the causes of crime, but they honestly don't!! They deny humans the right to a decent job, then they provide a minimum wage, one that is an insult in a country where the average minimum costs of having things repaired, or for services, can cost anything from twenty-five pounds an hour, right up to two-hundred pounds an hour. Where is the justice in this? Let me tell you something that I think is important. When you humans created a multi-tiered society, one where everyone looks down their noses at those they see as being below them, and where the poor always seem to get trodden on the most by almost everyone, it's little wonder you have a crime ridden society!! Believe me, nothing is going to change where crime levels are concerned, just because mister Blair, or some other government idiot comes up with a cockamamy plan they've just thought up. Crap!!!

Until there is a more fair society for all humans to live together in, everything will just continue along like it has done for decades, perhaps centuries! Croak!!!

That's all I have to say for now, so until next time, look on the bright side of life. I do! Ribbit!!!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Woe Is Me...

I'm beginning to discover something about you humans that truly defies common sense. It's the plain fact that you are all prepared to put up with being kicked in the family jewels, if you're male, and the kisser for those lovely females among you. It doesn't matter how much your government cheats and lies to you, you just continue to smile as though nothing was happening. Now, how stupid is that? Croak!!!

Following what you humans call the 'Budget', Bob explained in no uncertain terms, that the government will tell you the same old pack of lies, and you lot, like the sheep I'm beginning to think you are, believe them like it was the gospel! Great 'orrible toads in the sky... Can't you lot figure anything out for your selves without me, a humble garden frog, showing you what's going on? Croak!!!

Pin back your ears and listen to what I'm saying to you: Governments are elected by you, the people, to act on your behalf and to ensure that you live safely and enjoy a good life. Now, what does your government really do for you? Sod all, from where I'm sitting! If I understand Bob correctly, they are very good, no, that's not the word, they are brilliant at helping themselves once you lot vote them into office. Croak!!! Don't believe me? Their pay and pensions are a thousand times better than anything you could hope to receive! This is what you do for them...

For some unfathomable reason, they have their budget, then they tax you to the hilt! Am I right so far? You can bet that I am! They pretend to give something to some of you, and then take lots more away from the rest, usually the poorest amongst you. Then they apply the coup de grace by saying that there's not enough government money to do what you lot want them to do. Horse shite!!! Let me tell you something: they waste more money by giving it away to big companies who promise them the earth in return, when in fact they receive naff all for this so called investment. There are also hundreds of Quangos in this country that are robbing you blind. This is just another form of nepotism, whereby they ensure that the rich become even more wealthy than they already are, and the poor (suckers) can damned well do without. By the way, any of you who earns less than four hundred pounds a week, is counted as being one of these suckers! You lot think you're well off, and you'll most likely tell everyone around you that you are middle class. You're not middle class, you're just thick!!!

You know, it's not that your government hasn't got enough money to pay for decent pensions, etc, the truth is that they'd much rather take care of themselves first! They are very good at doing this, you know! Croak!!! When I think of what Bob, and tens of thousands just like him have to put up with, it really makes my skin crawl.

Beware the MP who smiles at you, he/she is about to lie through their teeth at you. Next time you vote, make pretty damned sure that you vote for a candidate who really does have your best interests at heart. He/she won't be Labour or Tory, 'cos they have already crapped all over you lot. Don't believe their pre-election lies! Remember: they have more to gain from being in parliament than you will ever have. As humans, you have much more power to your elbows than you think you have. The taxes you pay is your money, not theirs!!

I am a frog, but I'm also your friend. This is your wake up call, so take heed of it! Ribbit!!!

The ladies in my pond are calling to me again, so, got to go. Stay safe and take care, do drop by again soon... Ribbit!!!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Have you humans ever noticed that when you do something important, something else comes along to spoil it all? Well, with the call of spring being in the air, so to speak, (wink! wink!) us frogs are at a rather busy time in our lives. In other words, we're all busy romancing and servicing those gorgeous lady frogs during the night, just so as we can prolong the species and give your children something to play with. As frogs go, I've been just as busy in this department as any other frog in this beautiful land. The result, the first batch of spawn has been laid in the garden pond.

What's new about this, I hear you ask? Umm! Nothing really! However, being a frog with tons of pride in myself and for my race, I couldn't be more happier than to announce this special event, to you humans. Anyway, now I come to the part about spoiling things. No! Not me personally, but rather it's to do with the sharp change in the weather we're currently experiencing. Now, as long as the ice on the pond isn't too severe, my progeny should survive this little setback. Otherwise, I'm going to be busy again, that is until I get it right... Ribbit!!!

Bob says: If only human youngsters would behave in a way that indicates a certain amount of respect for those they live among. Unfortunately, I understand that this is just not so! Apparently, your young are never more happier, than when they're sticking knives into those around them. Bob also says, they rarely have respect for anyone, certainly not for their parents, and most likely not for themselves either. He reckons they seem to be hell bent in destroying everything, especially if the things they destroy have some intrinsic value to its owner.

I find this a very strange way to behave! Perhaps it's because they really do have too much time on their hands? Oh! And Bob says that it's most likely that they have too much money to spend. He's probably right! Croak!!! I'd also like to add that their parents are a lot to blame for their children's actions, not forgetting their attitude towards the rest of society in general. From where I stand, today's children have a whole lot more, and much more to do, than they had during Bob's childhood. But then, he says that he could always find something useful to do, without disrespecting or even killing people just because they wanted to. And what's all this about destroying other folks property? Have your young no shame in what they do? Croak!!!

Bob reckons that the streets are far less safe to walk along today, than they were when society actually cared what was going on. Not even your police can stop this oncoming tide of wanton crime. They are far too busy trying to catch the speeding motorist. Well, let's face it, your government can't make any money out of catching these criminals, juvenile or otherwise, but the motorist, that's something else altogether... plenty of money to be made there! Croak!!!

I've got to get back to my pond, so, stay safe and take care, and do drop by again soon... Ribbit!!!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Is There No End?

A frog's life is quite a happy one, well, it's certainly better than the one you humans have to endure. I find it odd how one minute you are all up to your scrawny necks in CO², with your government spelling doom and gloom if you lot don't begin cutting down on your carbon waste. The next, you're being assailed on all sides because they want to enforce ID cards onto you. Oh my!! Life seems so much easier from down here at ground level. Ribbit!!!

Just a small hint to the lot of you: You need CO², because without it, you'd have no oxygen to breathe. This isn't to say that too much CO² isn't harmful, because it damned well is! Croak!!! What you should also be concerned about, it's all those other polluting gases that they don't tell you about. CO² was in Earth's atmosphere long before you humans came along and started to mess it all up. Your volcanoes spew tons of it into the upper atmosphere every time they erupt. So, don't get overly worked up about it. After all, and not to be two-faced, you humans are not about to give up your cars, your holiday flights to sunny climes, or stop those nasty companies who think that they can sell their filth to gain neutral carbon emissions. Time you learnt that you must accept what's coming to you...

Now, IDs... Now there is something that every one of you should be fighting against. Yes! Everyone!! Why? Well firstly, if you all lived in a world where the police and the government could be trusted, and that politicians never lied, then 'Yes!!' ID cards are a very good idea, but you simply don't!!! Croak!!! They will tell you that only those with something to hide, are afraid to have ID cards. Crap!! They will tell you that they will catch all these terrorists that come into Britain, by using their ID card system. Crap!!! Tell me something, when a terrorist comes into Britain, does he, or she, have 'I am a terrorist' stamped across their foreheads? Don't tell me that you humans believe that?

How can you be sure that the police won't actually plant biometric evidence, in order to secure a quick and speedy conviction against the innocent, just to make it appear that they are solving crime through this Bio ID system? You can't!

Did you know?: Everywhere you go, or have ever been, you leave a trail of Bio evidence of your having been there. What evidence? Hair. Scales of skin. Saliva. Mucus. Fingerprints.
With your DNA on record, the more unscrupulous among the police will be able to say that you were at a murder scene, robbery or whatever else you can think of, especially if you once visited that scene purely by chance. But of course, none of this is proof that you committed a crime while you were there. It just proves that you were once there as a visitor. Can you trust the police, enough to say for sure that they won't use your DNA as proof you committed a crime, when in fact you are innocent?

What ever happened to Innocent until proven guilty?

What ever happened to good old British freedom?

ID cards 'will' be an infringement of your civil liberties! ID cards mean that 'you are guilty' until you can prove otherwise! ID card data will be there for 'anyone' to look at!

Bob's father did his bit during WWII to ensure that Britain remained free of oppression and open. Now, your government wants to undo everything that these people fought for.

Finally, your government will tell you that your details will be safe from prying eyes. Crap!! There's not a computer system in the world that can be said to be completely safe, especially from those nerds who have the ability to hack into them. Look at what happened to your tax system! I bet that some of you are still suffering as the result of that bloody fiasco? Say NO to ID cards, and make sure you damn well mean it when the time comes!

Wow!! That lot has fair taken my breath away. So, for now, stay safe and take care, and do drop by again soon... Ribbit!!!


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Blind Leading....

Leaping lizards!! What is it with you humans and this apparent death wish you all seem to have? It's impossible to get a single moments peace around here, without that I find out that you are all doing something that completely defies the rules of commonsense. Now come on! I though that you humans were supposed to be at the top of the evolutionary tree? As a mere frog, I can tell you that it's not so from the way I'm beginning to look at it. Croak!!!

Some of you, though I'm not sure who, are probably wondering what on earth I'm harping on about this time? But don't you see, if I didn't stand up and remind you lot of who and what you are, you'd all go back to living like the monkeys you once were! You lot are in the midst of a serious bout of climate change and global warming, and all I hear you say is "So what?!" The really funny thing about all of this, it's that a series of catastrophic events will sweep over the lot of you, and all you'll likely say is, "Did I forget to turn the kettle off?" and "Cor! Who Farted?!!"

Why is it that you all have this crazy death wish? I'll tell you why, it's because you continually act like millions of lemmings! For some unfathomable reason, you continually allow your government to pull the wool over your eyes where they not only lie to you, but you firmly believe that what they tell you is the gospel truth! They politely inform you on one hand that they intend to do something positive about climate change and global warming, and then behind your backs, (nothing new there.) they say that they intend to expand airports and increase air travel to and from this green and pleasant land, over the coming years. Now, what with India's attitude on putting more aircraft into the sky, it seems that the British government feel that they don't want to be left behind and out in the cold. Are they mad, or what??!! How is increased travel by air going to reduce CO² and other noxious gas emissions?

That nice mister Blair keeps on saying that you lot need to do something now, before it's too late. Yet Bob, who keeps himself well informed about what's going on, says that these are just so many empty words, just like his promises, in fact.

You know what? As a frog I can see the signs, and they really don't look very good, believe me. I see you humans as not being able to do anything off your own bat. Everything, it appears, has to be forced upon you before you see any sense, and even then it's like the blind leading the blind. But here's the rub: Since the government is knowingly travelling along its own crazy mixed up route in life, I can see you lot, and I do mean all of you, following them, and believe me, it'll be all the way to Armageddon!!! Croak!!! Humans are truly a pathetic lot!

Bob once spoke to me about a place he knows in England, where for more than fifty years, there has been significant recognizable changes in the overall climate. At one time, every winter was guaranteed to be bitterly cold, with snow storms that would bury houses and block roads for weeks at a time. Now, all this is a thing of the past! Winters are now mild, and where there was once snow galore, the people who live there rarely see more than a few days of snow, and only then if it snows at all!

For all of you who think that climate change is a load of toad's crap, think again! These weather changes are happening all around you, and they are the result of what you do. Of course, if you choose not to believe that it's happening, or that global warming can't harm you... Then I guess that it really is too late to do anything once the rot sets in. But do not forget this: If you are an adult, it's not you who will suffer the results of your ignorance, it will be your children and all those who follow them. The wrath of climate change and global warming won't suddenly come down on you like a ton of donkey shite, it'll creep upon you slowly, but surely! In the long run, whatever happens, it will be due to your neglect and greedy selfish attitudes, where the only people you can blame are yourselves...

So, for now, stay safe and take care, and do drop by again soon... Ribbit!!!
